The photography GCSE class study the AQA course.
The students produce a digital portfolio of work which is made up of two folders:
1A - Experimentation folder
1B - The Extended Project.
They will also produce a portfolio of evidence from an exam brief set by the AQA exam board in their final year of study.
At the end of the exam period, students will need to complete 10 hours of work in exam conditions.
1A: Experimentation - the students will get to grips with using the DSLR cameras and learn how to use various settings through a series of briefs: Drawing with light, You and Me, Patterns and Texture and Surrealism.
They will experiment with shutter speed, lighting and aperture and also learn how to navigate Adobe Photoshop to enhance their work.
1B: Extended Project - the students will develop more independence and work from a choice of briefs:
1) Natural Form - How can I capture natural form in a new and exciting way?
2) Identity - How can I explore the idea of identity through photography?
They will be required to investigate photographers/artists, take inspiration from a variety of sources and use the skills gained through the experimentation briefs to create a strong portfolio and a set of final pieces.
Student Support Yr 10

Need to catch up or working from home?
Download the catch up programme of study.
Project 1 is SHUTTER SPEED
Project 2 is PORTRAIT
writing maps
How to write a photographers'/an artists' study
Simply click on the links of the 'how to' writing maps to get ideas and support to develop your writing in photography.
Photoshop - the basics
Getting to know the layout and your toolbar is the best place to start
Take a look at my basics guide to help you get started:
working from home?
Check out this free online editing software for your images:
Download your info packs
Every 4 weeks you will be directed to produce an independent learning project (homework project.)
Each project is designed to support the work that you are completing in class and provide you opportunities to further develop your skills in a creative way.
ILP1: Drawing with Light
ILP 3: Family/Friend Tree - this is ME
ILP 5: Alphabet Challenge
ILP 2: Miniatures on Big Adventures
ILP 4: Selfie
ILP 6: Kitchen Close ups
Advanced video tutorials
Photographers and useful sites



Student Support Yr 11
extended learning project
Following completion of ILP 6, you should work independently for one/two hours each week on your ELP and take photographs to develop your project.
If you find that you are lacking inspiration ideas, simply head up to the artist/photographer links above and explore work similar to yours.

Please check out these fantastic lessons and resources for those of you who want to make more progress over the summer or if you need to use the summer to help get caught up with work you may have missed over the last few months.